Activation of Plaza
Brandolon Barnett
Brandolon Barnett
Had our first meeting of the Community Events Committee which I argued to found and chair. This committee will work to activate spaces throughout ANC1A beginning Spring 2022
Brandolon Barnett
I've worked with Councilmember Nadeau's office to get a spreadsheet with responsibilities for the plaza and points of contact. If you have issues in the plaza you can see the list, which I'll keep updated, here -
Brandolon Barnett
in progress
Brandolon Barnett
A meeting was held in the Civic Plaza with attendees from each agency with some responsibility for the plaza to talk about public safety issues in the plaza that are preventing District Bridges in completing their grant and activating the space. The meeting included reps from DCPR, MPD, DDOT, behavioral health, myself, and councilmember Nadeau. The immediate action from the meeting was to compile one document that could be shared publicly which provides a schedule for when certain major actions (like cleaning the porta potty, etc.) should happen, which agencies are responsible for what, and who is a point of contact. I'm also advocating for some leadership in coordination and for some agreement on what success will look like for the plaza.